2014 Goals

It's that time of year when people set resolutions for themselves. I've never been one for making resolutions, usually I just strive to live a healthier and happier life. I have tried the weight loss resolution for years now and have given up all hope. I mean seriously... I spent the entire year prior to our wedding eating extremely well, working out a minimum of 4 times per week and I lost 5 pounds... yep, a whoppin' 5 pounds in one year. That's enough to discourage anyone. When the end of 2013 neared I found myself thinking about 2014 and all of the things I would like to accomplish. Last year was wonderful. Here is my list of goals, or resolutions as some call them, for 2014. Hopefully these will help me become the most awesome version of myself... after all, my blog is called From Ashley to AWESOME. haha.

Spend more one on one time with Amelia. Now I know what a lot of you are thinking... I'm a stay at home mom, I get to spend all the time I want with my daughter. Yes I am a stay at home mom, but I also do daycare out of my home. I have other children in my home for 10-11 hours a day, 5 days a week. I love all of the little kids I watch and thoroughly enjoy each one of them, but I notice that the needs of my own child come after the needs of all of the other children. My hope is that I take some time off throughout this year and focus on my daughter. She starts school in the fall and I want to soak up as much Amelia time as possible before then.

Organize my life and my home. I am not the most organized person and I find myself completely frustrated with the lack of organization in my life. I want to spend time sorting and organizing each room in our home. I want to spend time planning out weekly menus. I want to get on a better blog schedule and even have some extra posts pre-written. I want to maintain a clean home by using a cleaning schedule (instead of going nuts trying to mop the floor every night). So yeah, I want to organize my life in an effort to remove some of the stress.

Save money. I'm a spender. I always have been and fear I always will be. I want to try my very best to save this year. We have a huge trip we are taking this summer, along with a few major items we are looking to purchase. I am going to work hard at reducing the amount of wasted food our garbage sees. I'm going to force myself to use the boxes and boxes of fabric I already have before going out and buying a bunch more. And I'm going to try and keep the eating out to a minimum! and I mean a minimum! (I hope my meal planning with help this).

Life a healthier life. I want to eat better and be a lot more active this year. We eat so much healthier when we aren't on the go so much. Meal planning is going to be my saving grace in becoming healthier this year. I also need to get out and do more. Be more active. I'm not going to give myself some unrealistic weight loss goal that I will surely fail at reaching. I figure if I just strive to be the healthiest and happiest version of myself then the weight will come off gradually and be an added prize.

Unplug. I am definitely one of those people always checking my phone. Looking on Facebook. Responding to blog comments. Playing candy crush. I am determined to step away once in a while. Put down the phone and the computer and spend more time talking to the people who are sitting in the same room as me.

Blog more. I started my blog as a way to keep my family and friends updated on our latest adventures. I never knew it would become something more. I want to amp up my blogging in 2014. Add more content, share more recipes and craft ideas. blog about the things on my mind. I would love to be a daily blogger, but would be satisfied with 4-5 posts a week.

Create. Whether it be crafting with Amelia, working on gifts for people or making things for my two Etsy shops... I want to create a lot more things than I have in the past. I am a crafty person by nature and creating things makes me happy.

Date my husband. Mark and I don't spend nearly enough one on one time together. I want to try my best for monthly dates. We need to get out of the house and focus some time and energy on connecting with one another. This is just as important to me as my spending more time with Amelia goal.

So there ya have it. A few of the things I will be working on this year. There are a couple more that Mark and I have on our list, but they are just goals to help us get to where we want to be in life. Nothing interesting enough to blog about :)

How did you ring in the New Year?

What are your resolutions or goals?
Ashley Elizabeth


  1. Great goals for 2014!! I'd secretly love to be a professional organizer, come into people's homes and organize their whole house :) We have some of the same goals and I'm hoping to cross several of them off my list by the end of the year. Good luck with them and I look forward to following along on your journey this year. Happy New Year!!

    1. I want to be one of those people who have it all together. You know, the ones who have craft rooms worthy of posting on Pinterest. I can't wait to see what the year holds for you... and how much Olive grows. She is such a doll.

  2. These are all great golas! I especially like the one "date" your husband. It gets so easy to let that kind of thing fall to the wayside.

    1. Yeah, we tend to take one another for grated and put nurturing our marriage on the back burner to our jobs and spending time with Amelia. We have so much fun when we take the time for one another.

  3. These are wonderful goals for the new year! I can't wait to see where you take your blog in 2014!
