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School Days
1. What was your favorite subject in school? English! I absolutely love reading and writing. I took a lot of writing courses for fun in college.
2. Did you attend elementary school and high school in the same town? I attended elementary school, middle school and high school all in Molalla
3. Are you still friends with anyone that you met during school? There are a few people I still keep in touch with in ways other than Facebook.
These girls are amazing! L to R: Briana, Sheena, Myself, Molly and Ali. Molly and I are two years younger than the other girls.
4. What activities were you involved in as a student? Elementary school I played basketball, Middle school I played volleyball and did a year of basketball and band, High school I was in choir, leadership, ASB, soccer for one year and varsity tennis all four years.
5. Did you bring your lunch, or did you get it at school? I always took my lunch. My mom was awesome like that!!!!!
6. Did you enjoy shopping for clothing and school supplies? I have always loved shopping... and school was just another reason to shop so I definitely enjoyed it.
7. Name a song or a band that reminds you of high school. 'The Thong Song' reminds me of tennis - 'Baby Got Back' reminds me of dances - 'Break Stuff' reminds me of grad night and 'I Hope You Dance' reminds me of senior year maypole.
8. Did you like school? I loved school.
9. How long have you been out of school? I graduated high school in 2003 but I've done a few years of college since.
10. What did you like most about school? What did you dislike most about school? I am a very social person so I liked all of the activities I was able to be involved with. I disliked math the most. HATE HATE HATE MATH!
My best friend Molly and I our senior year. We were #1 varsity tennis doubles partners and went undefeated in league matches
Molly and I during our powder puff game. Not sure what year, maybe junior.