A busy time ahead...

I hope you are all having a great weekend so far. I spent the morning taking photos for a wonderful family. It was fun to get out and take pictures for someone other than my own family. This was my first real "official" photo shoot and in editing the pictures this evening... I'm loving them. The rest of our weekend is going to be a busy one. Laundry, crafting, sewing, cleaning house, packing and doing some last minute shopping. I can't wait to share all of tips on traveling with a little one when we get back. For those of you who don't know, my sister Erica will be taking over the blog while we are on vacation. I have a couple of posts scheduled that I want to share with you all, but for the most part it will be all her. She's awesome. Looking after our house, feeding our cat and our Nemos (fish) and blogging for me. I'm excited to see what she has to say.

aren't these two adorable! They became such good friends while I was doing daycare
my handsome little buddy. It's gonna be so strange to not babysit him anymore
This past week was a bittersweet one. It was my last week watching the littles and I am going to miss them all so much. I am excited for life ahead as a not so busy stay at home mommy, but when you watch little kids for so long, and spend so many hours a day with them, they feel like become part of the family. I will be honest, being a daycare provider really isn't the easiest job. I think some people look at a daycare provider's job as playing, naps and more playing. It's actually much more than that. I plan to write a full post on my experience over the past two years. I felt so much love and appreciation as my last days grew near. From one family I received an awesome gift basket full of travel supplies (things to do on the plan and travel size items) and a Starbuck's giftcard. From another family I received a customized frame for our trip, flowers and a big photo album filled with pictures I had taken of all of the little kids. She took them off of my Facebook and had them printed. Their thoughtfulness brought tears to my eyes. Hopefully I can keep in touch with all of the families and continue to watch the kids grow up.

I feel like someone hit the fast forward button on our lives this week and time is sneaking away from me. This week Amelia and I had eye appointments, her first one ever. I went first because she was quite nervous. She was adamant about not wanting to wear glasses.

When the doctor said "so... I need to explain this to you because Amelia's eyes are not like most people's (insert long explanation)... so she will need to wear glasses all day every day". When he said that last part Amelia let out a totally bummed cry of "OHHHHHHHHHH, WHY????" Well, I'm happy to report that after trying on glasses and picking out the perfect pair (and realizing that Mommy, Grandma Grace, Grandma Tami, Auntie Erica and Auntie Grace all wear glasses so it must be cool), she's very excited. The eye doctor said the prescription will be really strong so the adjustment period won't be easy. I'm so glad we did this before school starts.
She is simply darling. 
I also got my hair done this week, cut and colored, but I haven't remembered to take a picture yet. I went really short, but I will probably grow it out from now on so I can do something with it when I'm in my sister's wedding. 

We're gearing up for our trip. I can't believe how soon we will be leaving. I'm starting to lay out clothes and figure out what colors of hair clips I need to make for Amelia (gotta match ya know). We're also trying to get our house as organized as possible because the second we get home I get to pack us up while Mark works. Have I mentioned lately how amazing my family is??? Well, they are. Our moving/future living arrangements changed quickly and we were really put in a tough and stressful spot of not knowing where we would be living. We should have known this would happen based on past history with the person we had made arrangements with. Thankfully my family offered up their spare bedrooms to us and we will be living with them for a few months until we figure out a new game plan. 
helping me clean... she's awesome!
Tomorrow Amelia and I are going to get pedicures!!! I love having mommy/daughter dates. I hope you are all enjoying your weekend. Fingers crossed I will be able to hop on here again before we take off. 
Ashley Elizabeth

Memorial Weekend

We had a wonderful three day weekend! We spent a lot of time with my family and enjoyed every ounce of sunny weather that was given to us. This next week is going to be one of the busiest weeks ever! There is so much to do before we fly out next Monday. I need to finally change my last name with DMV, clean house, pack boxes, pack suitcases and watch little ones. Anyway, here is a recap of our awesome weekend.

I hope you all took some time to truly acknowledge what Memorial Day is all about. This is a photo of my Grandpa when he was in the Navy. My Grandpa passed away a few years ago, but I think of him daily... and spent extra time thinking of him this weekend. He was the greatest man I have ever known. 

Saturday Grace and Chris invited us over for a bbq. It was great to spend time with them and Erica. We had chicken, baked beans (from scratch... thanks Grace), fruit, corn and some yummy dessert. I also made Paleo almond butter cups and they turned out amazing! I will have to share my recipe the next time I whip up a batch. 

How cute is Grace's dog Maverick... he's wild but so cute. 
Sunday we slept in and enjoyed some lazy time at home before I headed out to take some photos of Grace and Chris. I swear we are cursed. Every time we are supposed to take pictures the weather turns crappy. We did the best we could and I got quite a few shots I'm pleased with (I'm not sharing until their Save the Dates get mailed out. I just wish we wouldn't have had to battle dark skies, wind and rain.

Today was spent taking photos of Amelia, visiting with my Grandma and doing some clothes shopping for Mark (he needed stuff before our trip). It was a great day. I'm just now going through the photos I took of Amelia, but I'm so happy with how they turned out. 

the sun was so harsh it was blinding us
We of course had to have some funny pictures thrown in with the totally adorable ones. This cracks me up. 

This is Amelia's fake smile... she gets it from her Auntie Erica, but she wanted a picture to show her Grandma Tami her new shoes. She fell in love with these pink Sperry's and just had to have them for our trip.

I hope you all enjoyed time with family and friends this weekend. 
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Ashley Elizabeth

High Five for Friday

I'm so excited the weekend is almost here. My "to do" list is huge and I really need to get some things accomplished. Here is a recap of our buys/productive week.

1. Last Sunday we headed up to Hood River so I could snap some photos for Grace and Chris. This was one of our ridiculous outtakes. Don't worry... the ones they will be using for their Save the Dates will be a huge improvement on this Titanic pose.

2. The school Amelia will be attending in the Fall had kindergarten day this week. Amelia got to meet her teacher and her classmates. They drew pictures and played a game in the gym while all of the parents had a meeting. I am so excited with the school we chose.

3. Hotwire seriously became my best friend this week. We hadn't booked any of our hotels yet for the trip, but when I went to look at using Priceline they said the reservation would only be for two adults and we weren't guaranteed room for Amelia. I read some forums and people did have issues with this in some of the more populated cities. I didn't even realize it would matter since she's so little and can snuggle up in bed with us. So I used Hotwire and plan on sharing the amazing deals we got in a post after our trip. 

4. I spent a lot of time doing this... finding places to visit, writing lists and planning out post trip blog posts.

5. LOVE them and the fact that they love to snuggle with me. 

On Saturday we will be going to a bbq at Grace's house. Sunday I am taking photos and Monday I'm packing up our house. Should be a busy Memorial Day weekend. 

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Ashley Elizabeth

2 weeks

We've been so busy lately. I have two weeks left of doing daycare and then we go on vacation, two weeks of vacation and then when we return we have two weeks until we have to move. Life has been hectic at times, but this is a whole new kind of crazy. This weekend was great. Saturday we hung out around the house and I got some sewing done. Sunday Amelia and I went on a drive up to Hood River with Grace and Chris. They were wanting some photos taken of the two of them. The weather wasn't that great, but we made the best of it.

I snapped this photo outside of Parkdale. It was some beautiful scenery.

I also got these photos of Amelia...

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
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Ashley Elizabeth

Spring Crafting - painted flower pots

It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of crafting and handmade gifts. I try to include Amelia as much as possible in the process of creating things for other people. That little girl takes after her Mommy and could do projects all day. As Mother's Day neared this year I knew I wanted Amelia to paint my mom and grandma some flower pots. There is nothing cuter than a painted pot filled with bright and beautiful flowers.

For my mom's flower pot I gave Amelia free reign to do whatever she wanted and it turned out absolutely adorable. She did an excellent job. For my grandma's flower pot we did a footprint butterfly. It too turned out so cute!! I love that these gifts are handmade one of a kind treasures that also serve a purpose. 

Amelia's Grandma's pot

Amelia's Great Grandma's Pot

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Ashley Elizabeth

What Amelia Wore - Cinnamon Creek Boutique Edition

In honor of my 'What Amelia Wore' Wednesday posts I thought I'd share so me of the Cinnamon Creek Boutique items she has been wearing lately. I'm a sucker for frilly clothes and am so thankful that Amelia is totally girly. If you didn't read my post from yesterday, Cinnamon Creek Boutique is the online children's boutique that I am in the process of launching. I'm so excited to be offering some beautiful pieces.

This two piece skirt and top set is so incredibly cute. It is lightweight and flows so nicely. Amelia was also sold on the fact that the skirt twirls really well.

This dress is one of my favorites that I've purchased for the store. The details in the skirt are stunning... right down to the tiny cats and dogs that wander the streets. The balloons and kites add a playful vibe and honestly, who can resist a peter pan collar.

Jackets... I have an obsession. At one point Amelia had well over 16 coats all in the same size. When I laid eyes on this I knew it was made for her. We can't walk out of the house without receiving tons of love from people in regards to her coat. Puffy sleeves, bows, shiny buttons, ruffles galore and a cute sash. Perfect!

To see more of what Cinnamon Creek has to offer, head on over to Instagram or Facebook.
Ashley Elizabeth

DIY Popsicles

As we approach the hotter months here in Oregon it's always good to have cold and healthy snacks available. Homemade popsicles are a great way to cool down, and since you made them at home you are guaranteed to know exactly what is in them. All you need is a blender or food processor and any ingredients you wish.

You can make any creation you want. I tend to mix up whatever I think tastes good in a smoothie. These are really refreshing and healthy. I also don't mind if my daughter has more than one throughout the day because I know exactly what is in them.  (scroll down for a few of my favorite combinations).

A few of my favorite combinations:
The fruit and veggie pop 
a handful of baby spinach greens
1 banana
mango chunks
1 Tbsp chia seeds
the juice of one orange

The chocolate peanut butter pop
1 banana
1-2 Tbsp PB2 or peanut butter
cocoa powder to taste

The creamy strawberry pop
Greek yogurt (I prefer Greek God's honey yogurt)

The orange cream pop
peeled oranges
plain yogurt

The berry pop
Greek yogurt (I prefer Greek God's honey yogurt)

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Ashley Elizabeth

Cinnamon Creek Boutique

Hello All,
For quite a while now I've been wanting to open an online children's boutique. I have had a love for children's clothing and accessories for as long as I can remember, so I thought it only fitting to share that love. It's a dream that is coming true and I am beyond excited. Currently I am in the process of getting my online shop up and running, but in the meantime I've decided to launch on Instagram and Facebook, because honestly I just can't wait.

Head on over to check it out and follow along. The first items should be listed this evening along with a special offer.

Cinnamon Creek Boutique on Instagram
Cinnamon Creek Boutique on Facebook

Ashley Elizabeth

A beautiful weekend

We had a wonderful weekend. Mark worked all weekend, but thankfully he works at 5am so we still get to spend most of the weekend with him. Saturday I took Amelia to ballet and then we headed into Portland to a huge fabric store. I wanted to check out their selection of knits to make Amelia a couple more maxi skirts, but they didn't have quite what I was looking for. I ended up getting her a solid pink color. She also found the most adorable vintage kitten fabric so we had to get that and a dress will soon be in the works. That evening we headed out to Erica's house to have a belated birthday dinner with my family. Since we have all been sick this was the first time we've been able to hang out in a couple of weeks. It was a fun night.

Sunday morning Amelia and I crafted Mother's Day gifts for my mom and my grandma. They turned out so cute and I will be sharing them later in the week. We had dinner over at my grandma's house. It was a lot of fun. Grace and I talked wedding stuff and Amelia ran around the yard. I managed to get her to stop for a few photos. Oh and she made me the most precious picture ever!!

Overall it was a marvelous weekend. This week I plan on getting some sewing done, sorting through more boxes and starting the packing process to move. Oh and let's not forget the trip we have coming up. I guess we should start booking hotels and deciding on the things we want to see along the way.

Happy Monday All

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Ashley Elizabeth