16 Months

Our little Cecilia turned 16 months on Wednesday... 16 months!! I can't believe how fast time is going these days. It's been fun to see her first few months show up in my Timehop lately, but it's also a reminder that these days fly by. I thought I'd hop on here this morning to do a quick update on our baby girl.

As you can tell from this photo... she's happy. So happy, all of the time. 

We were just in the doctor's office due to a nasty virus she was fighting so we got current stats on her. Well, the doctor and I are not sure the length is correct, but she weighs 18lbs 4oz. 

Cecilia says quite a few words and is always talking. I didn't think any little kiddo could talk as much as Amelia did, but Cecilia is definitely trying her best to follow in big sister's footsteps. My favorite is when she wants more food or water. She hands me her plate or cup and says "more... p... p" (more, please please). Already rocking some great manners. Then there's the times when she lifts her own foot up to her nose and says "pew pew". She makes me laugh all day. 

She's busy! So incredibly busy. If she's awake, she's moving. She's really into pretending now. We've been keeping Amelia's old play kitchen in the living room lately and she's always bringing us a dish and spoon and pretends to feed us. That usually leads to her cracking herself up.

She's obsessed with Amelia. So much so in fact that when she realized Amelia was awake and in the bathroom this morning she went over and started banging on the door, hollering and clapping "YAYA YAYA". She was so excited she was awake. That's the usual scene too when Amelia gets home from school. Their bond is so sweet. 

Cecilia loves being outside. It doesn't matter if it's super hot or cold and windy, she wants to be out wandering around. She's walking so fast now, bordering on running some days, but she always stays close to us and doesn't try to run off. 

She's a pretty good sleeper. The sickness she had set her back a little bit and I spent almost every night during that time awake with her on my chest. She just wouldn't let me put her down in her crib, but so far this week we're getting back on track. 

Oh... one of the most exciting things. She's gone potty on her potty chair a couple of times now. She thinks it's pretty cool and says "yay" while clapping for herself. 

This girl is a FaceTime addict. If she hears someone calling us on FT she comes walking over as fast as she can and wants to chat. 

She's still loves to snuggle and I still love that soooo much!! Every nap and every night I still snuggle her to sleep. Can't get enough. I can't usually tell she's tired when she comes walking over to me with a blanket saying she wants up. 

Cecilia is pretty social. She likes to wave to everyone at the store and has her own little fan club at Amelia's school. If she knows someone well she's not too concerned with my being close by, but if she doesn't know someone she usually gets very clingy. She'll still smile at people, but I can't be out of sight when she's around too many people she doesn't know. 

So that's a little snapshot of our girl at the moment. She's all smiles all the time and so incredibly sweet. 
Ashley Elizabeth