Today is my one year mark of being a stay at home mom. Time has flown by and I'm amazed at how much we were able to do in the past 12 months. The decision to leave my job wasn't an easy one; if it were easy I would have left when Amelia was born. My staying home was something that Mark and I had talked about from the beginning, but it was more a dream that I thought would never come true. Here is a recap of our amazing year.
We left right after my last day with ODF and headed to Colville to spend time with my mom. It was our first Halloween up there. Such a fun trip filled with a bunch of great memories.
I have been able to improve my sewing skills greatly. I love sewing but never had the time while I was working. Now I'm much more confident.
I've completed quite a few decorating projects around the house.
Amelia participated in two wonderful ballets. The Nutcracker and Russe Classique. She's currently rehearsing for the 2013 Nutcracker. I hadn't ever been able to take her to a ballet class until I became a SAHM. I love being able to see her progress.
We went to the beach a couple of times which we had only done once or twice since Amelia was born. When you work for an agency that fights wildfires it's hard to get away in the summer. My family usually had to take her to the beach for us... but not this summer!
We got to go camping a couple of times. Amelia had only been camping once before. I'm hoping next summer we got a lot more.
I got to join Mark's family on a trip for the first time ever! I was never able to take the time off before. It was wonderful getting to spend time with them.
I planned a family reunion. It was amazing to spend a day/weekend with our family!
We got to see a lot of new places.
I enjoyed a lot of sunsets.
Playing is now my job.
We explore Oregon City regularly (where we live).
Amelia and I made at least 7 trips up to my mom's house in a year. I think that's close to, if not more, than the number of times I have ever been up there. (they moved up there in 2008)
Crafting has become a daily occurrence. It's our thing
I drove through the worst lightning storm I have ever seen.
Amelia set foot in Idaho for the first time. We went to Coeur d'Alene in early summer and Sandpoint just a couple of weeks ago.
We enjoy lots of tea parties.
I have watched 12 kids over the past year. I absolutely love my new 'job'!
This is just a snapshot of our year. I can't believe all of the memories we have made. Not only do I get to spend all day with my girl, but I get to see my husband a lot more. Becoming a stay at home mom... BEST DECISION EVER!!!