Seven Months

Miss Cecilia Kateri is 7 months old today! She's such an amazing little lovey. She's changed so much in the short time since she was born and I love every second of watching her grow. The past two months have been so crazy with her. She's tiny, like 1% on the charts tiny. Thankfully the only reason doctors believe she is so small is because she is so active and has such a high metabolism. The girl needs more calories. She's a busy girl and doesn't really like to sit for a long period of time, therefore she wasn't nursing to feel full, but instead just eating until that hunger feeling started to disappear. At least that's what the doctors think was happening. My post tomorrow is all about our trip to the children's hospital when Cecilia was admitted for "failure to thrive". That's why I missed my 6 month update post. Life has been kind of crazy the past two months. I'm happy to say though that our girl is doing awesome!

Currently, Cecilia is doing a lot! She moves constantly. I don't think people really understand what I mean when I say that. She doesn't just roll around a little.. if she is awake, she is moving. When she nurses her feet kick constantly and her hands are moving non-stop. When we put her down on the floor she rolls everywhere and she's really fast. When she sits on our laps she wiggles a ton. The girl does love to snuggle though and that makes this mommy so happy. 

Cecilia's first word was mama (on August 10th). Melt my heart little one!! The way she says it is absolutely darling.

Cecilia is sitting up and trying really hard to get up and crawl. She manages to get anywhere she wants though, even without the actual crawling. I put her down on the rug in the living room and look away for a second and she's moved to the other side. I think she's going to keep us on our toes.

Cecilia tried solids at six months and has loved it all so far. We make our own baby food so her first bite was avocado. She's had avocado, carrots, sweet potatoes, pears and bananas. All winners in her book.

At her six month check up, Cecilia weighed 11 pounds 13 ounces and was 25.5 inches long.

She's obsessed with Amelia. When she sees her big sister she lights up and often squeals with excitement. It's going to be so awesome to watch their bond and love for one another grow.

She is the happiest baby I have ever seen. Really, the girl hardly ever cries. She's smiley and happy all day long and she makes everyone around her smile too. I just love her to pieces.

Ashley Elizabeth