We kicked off Easter weekend with a trip to see the bunny. Of course, matching dresses again this year. Gotta do it while I can. Eventually Amelia will be too old to want to match... or maybe not haha. A mom can dream, right?
This one was my favorite and the one we had printed
This one cracked me up. I wonder if her tiny self is looking at Amelia thinking "you actually think this bunny is cool"?
And of course I saved the funniest for last. The escape and that face. Overall Cecilia seemed to be okay with the Easter bunny. When we first walked up she was smiling a ton and wanted to touch his fur. Sitting with him clearly wasn't her favorite thing to do, but she didn't cry at all. I'd call that success!
Saturday evening we colored Easter eggs at my grandma's. Amelia, my little artist, always makes her eggs look so cool just by using regular dye. Cecilia was allowed to color two eggs, but when she kicked over an entire cup of dye that's when Mark put a stop to her egg dying career for this year. Poor baby haha.
Easter Sunday was a great day. Mark, the girls and I got up early and went to 8 o'clock mass and then let the girls open their Easter baskets when we got home. The Easter bunny was definitely nice to these two girls.
Cecilia's basket |
Amelia's basket |
Of course, it wouldn't be an occasion if I didn't take photos of the girls together and photos of them with their cousin Liam. I swear, these kids are just the cutest three. Such adorable cousins and best buddies.
Here is my attempt at a cousin picture. I swear they love each other haha. No really, this picture is not a true reflection of their love. But, if you didn't know which kids had a photographer for a parent you'd probably be able to guess from this image. #bornposing