Pumpkins Galore

Well we had a pretty laid back fun weekend, even if I did have to set my alarm both mornings. Since Amelia missed her ballet class on Thursday, she went to the Saturday morning class to make it up. I haven't been able to take her to ballet at all this term because I babysit kids on Thursdays, so I was happy to have the opportunity. After her class we stopped by the Farmer's Market and picked up a bouquet of flowers. They have the most beautiful flowers and I hadn't bought any this year... so I treated myself to some. Saturday afternoon we headed down the hill and played outside with Amelia at a park on the river. We had a lot of fun. There was a festival in Oregon City this weekend so they had a firework show Saturday night. My sister Grace and her fiance met up with Amelia and I, since it was only two blocks from our house, and then we followed it up with happy hour. Of course we left Amelia home with Mark for happy hour.

Amelia and I spent Sunday with my sister Grace. We went to get pumpkins and then grabbed lunch after. We always take Amelia to a pumpkin patch, but we buy most of our pumpkins at Al's (they are $1.99 any size). 
our pumpkins
Love her!
We also got pumpkins for my mom. 24 pumpkins total.
This week should be a bit more calm than the last. Thursday night Amelia and I are taking a road trip up to my mom's with Grace and Chris. I'm looking forward to spending time with them and since Mark works all weekend, this is the perfect opportunity. We are also going to Sandpoint, Idaho so I'm sure I will have plenty of stories and pictures to share next week. 

I will leave you with this sweet story of true love, which is also sort of silly.
After going to get pumpkins on Sunday, we stopped at Safeway. Grace's fiance had asked her to get him a HUGE pumpkin. We grabbed some of the largest ones they had at Al's, but none were the 'perfect' pumpkin. Safeway had several bins of huge pumpkins, but they were also $7.00 more per pumpkin (we saved $168 by going to Al's!!!!!). Grace really wanted to get Chris one... and somehow she spotted the perfect pumpkin at the back and bottom of one of the bins. She decided to climb back and move well over a dozen pumpkins to dig out the best one for her fiance. 
Making her way back behind the giant bins of pumpkins
Almost buried by the 'not so perfect' pumpkins that she's tossed aside
This cracks me up!
Amelia got tired of standing around waiting. 
Grace was a sweaty hot mess by the time she was done, but Chris was so happy with his pumpkin. Oh the things we do for love.  

Ashley Elizabeth

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