If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
1. What are you plans for Thanksgiving this year? This year my husband and I are having Thanksgiving at our house. It will be a small get together with Amelia, my Grandma and my older sister Erica. I'm looking forward to the day!
2. At what point to you begin celebrating the Christmas season? I would love to have already decorated! but I will wait until the day after Thanksgiving. We usually get our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving, but I think I'm gonna ask the husband to put up the lights this weekend.
3. Do you celebrate Christmas, or do you celebrate another holiday? Christmas
4. If you could have one present (you know, a material good, not love or world peace) what would you want? This is really hard this year! I think I would want a new camera. I love my DSLR, but it has been having some focus issues that are not operator caused. I've been incredibly frustrated with it lately so I'd like a new one... but I can tell you that's not going to happen.
5. Share an idea or two that you can plan to do for someone who may need to feel loved throughout the holiday season. Amelia and I have a list of 'Pay it Forward' ideas that we are working on this year (click HERE to see my post on it).
6. Would you rather spend the holiday season on the beach or in the snow? Snow all the way! While I do love the beach... once Fall hits I'd rather be in the mountains.
7. What is your favorite Thanksgiving food? My mom and I make this cranberry sauce that is to die for! That and stuffing are my favorite. I'm not a huge turkey fan.
8. Will you participate in Black Friday shopping? Not sure yet. I WILL however be shopping on cyber Monday. There is something so awesome about sitting in my recliner with a cozy blanket, cup of tea and shopping on the computer. I don't even have to get dressed for that.
9. Will you travel for the holidays or stay at home? If you’re traveling, are you flying or driving or making alternate plans? We will be staying local this year. Thanksgiving will be at our house and Christmas will be at my Grandma's house (15 minutes away).
10. List at least 5 things for which you are currently thankful.
i like your list. i'm realizing quality over quantity is the most important thing when having friends.
ReplyDeleteps. you should share your cranberry recipe
I definitely agree. A few good friends are all a girl needs.
DeleteHi, Ashley. I love your pay-it-forward ideas. I answered your questions about my book(s) in the comments on my FMM blog post. If you read romance, I have some books for you … :D
ReplyDeleteThank you for checking out my blog. I replied over at your blog but I do love a good romance novel. Any suggestions would be appreciated :)
DeleteI hate winter but during the holidays you gotta have some snow! I'm with you on passing up the beach.
ReplyDeleteHere in Oregon we get a lot of rainy and nasty days at the beach. I do love watching the storms come in, but I do prefer the snow this time of year.
DeleteI wish I was a better crafter. I'm working on it :D
ReplyDeleteI LOVE CRANBERRY SAUCE TOO ....caps lock because I'm that excited about Thanksgiving haha :)
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I LOVE crafting! I'm an addict... if only I used up all of my supplies instead of just buying more and more :) I'm excited for Thanksgiving, but I really want to decorate for Christmas so I'm ready for it to be here and pass by.
DeleteI love cyber Monday! You won't catch me out of the house on black Friday though.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by. I've done the black Friday thing several times, but it's become increasingly difficult to get out of the house with my 4yo daughter. My husband usually has to work that day. Cyber Monday is pretty much the best shopping invention ever!!!
DeleteI love the idea of connecting with other bloggers through this challenge.