High Five for Friday!!!

Happy Friday All... even though I am writing this on the tail end of the day. I hope you all had a great Labor Day; I know I sure enjoyed the shortened work week. I am hoping the weekend doesn't fly by as fast as the week did. I have great weekend plans filled with spending time with Amelia, doing craft projects and trying out new recipes. Before I head into all of that fun, I'm reflecting on the good things to come out of the week.

1. Amelia and I had our first sunflower show it's face. What a beautiful surprise to come home to. We planted our garden from seed a lot later in June than I had hoped. These babies are now towering over all of us (probably about 7ft or so).

2. I know I posted about my Grandma's 89th birthday already, but she is so awesome that she definitely makes my top 5 favorite things of the week. Isn't she just so cute??? 

3. My little beauty snuggled down in bed. I love that she rarely fights sleep at night. Usually she tells us when she is tired and ready for bed.

 4. Amelia was so proud to give her Grandma Tami a bag full of homemade presents for her birthday! She did such a great job on all of them. Grandma Tami got two hand painted jewelry boxes, a painted bird house, a painted cross, a painted star, a necklace she beaded herself that says Grandma and a matching bracelet... and the card was a book of pictures she drew.

5. My sisters and I went on a date tonight. We had dinner out at the local Italian place and then went to see the movie Lawless. Fun Night!!!! (LtoR: Erica, Myself, Grace)

So there ya have it... my reflections on the week with my H54F post. 
Ashley Elizabeth

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