Love: It's worth it

Today I'm going to talk to you about love. After all, it is Valentine's Day.

Mark and I haven't always had the easiest relationship... in fact there have been times when it seemed as if we were failing. I don't think either of us planned on falling in love with each other and were both taken by surprise. We met in college a year before we started dating and quickly became best friends. You know, the type of friends who talk about our crushes... on other people. When the whirlwind of love took over we both brought some emotional baggage to the table. After only being together a short five months we ended things. That lasted about a day before we realized it wasn't what either of us wanted. We quickly ran back to one another only to find ourselves in the same spot a year later. We definitely loved each other, but it didn't seem as though love would be enough for us. Even after breaking up twice we couldn't stay away from one another, yet we couldn't make it work. When we got the unexpected news that we were expecting neither of us knew what to do. We both strongly agreed that getting back together because we would be sharing the responsibility of parenthood was not an option... it had to be because we couldn't live without one another. We had to actually be in love and be willing to work together instead of working against one another. You see, Mark and I are too similar. We are both incredibly stubborn and unwilling to compromise. An ugly quality to have when trying to share your life with somebody. We both took some time apart to deal with our pasts and figure out what we wanted in our future. About two months later we found ourselves together again. This time our relationship was stronger than ever and we each had a deeper love for the other. About three years later we were married.  

Making our love work isn't easy. It takes effort. It takes compromise. It takes communication. Mark and I have been through a lot together, more than what some couples go through in a lifetime of marriage. We've been there for one another through our darkest times. In my opinion, loving someone is the easy part. It's all the other junk that makes it hard. I'm not sure our relationship and love would be this strong if we hadn't gone through hard times along the way. I appreciate that man and everything he does for our family. He is so kind and compassionate. I love that man more than I can explain. I am truly lucky to get to spend the rest of my life with him. We're not perfect people, but we're perfect for each other. 
Ashley Elizabeth


  1. Totally agree. Loving is easy and everything else is tough but worth it.

  2. It's true, love is hard. Great to remember how much we appreciate it on Valentine's Day, though!

  3. "We both strongly agreed that getting back together because we would be sharing the responsibility of parenthood was not an option... it had to be because we couldn't live without one another." YES to this!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously. So smart! AND it worked out later anyway! :)

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