Happy Friday

Happy Friday! I am so glad the weekend is almost here! I've been exceptionally tired this week and am definitely ready to catch up on some rest. Here is a quick recap of my week; linking up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk for High Five for Friday.

1. I had the honor of attending my sister Erica's work awards banquet, she is a 911 operator in Portland. Erica is the best older sister and role model there is! When I heard that she was getting an award, I begged her to let me go with her. Once Grace heard heard about it, she of course wanted to attend as well. It was a blast! My sister received a Life Saver award for being one of the operators on a rescue of a man and four children who were lost out in the wilderness. I couldn't be more proud of my sister, and I don't think she has any clue the magnitude of respect and admiration I have for her! Good job sister!

2. Lilacs are my favorite! I love how beautiful they are, and they smell divine! Our Lilac tree started blooming this week and the thought of a huge vase of delicious Lilacs sitting on my table has me giddy.

3. Amelia and I started the daunting task of spring cleaning our upstairs rooms (hers and ours). She was less than thrilled to spend an evening cleaning up and trying on clothes galore. It does feel good to be purging though!

4. Amelia was playing hide and go seek the other night, and this was her hiding spot! She is such a silly kid!

5. These girlies and I spent a good portion of our day at the park on Thursday! It was nice to get out and breathe some fresh air, even if it was slightly chilly.

Ashley Elizabeth

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