A laid back day in Colville

Today has been a very laid back day, which was incredibly nice. During the week when I watch little ones I'm constantly doing things and on the move. We didn't wake up too early this morning. Mom mowed her lawn while I vacuumed out my car. Amelia played in the sprinkler and ran around the yard trying to carch butterflies and using an umbrella to shield herself from the droplets of sprinkler water. Here are a few pictures from my mom's house today.

Anyone who follows my blog knows that Amelia's cat is named Rudy. Well when Amelia got her cat for her third birthday she decided to name him after the cat he most looked like... my sister Grace's cat Rudy. Since Grace isn't allowed to have Rudy at her current house, he lives with my mom. Here is Amelia snuggling up to the original... or as she calls him "Big Rudy".

The thing I love about Colville, aside from the small town charm, is the weather! Colville has FOUR seasons! which is something we don't see in Oregon City. In Oregon we get rain.... or sun. Today it was a beautiful 83 degrees but there was a wonderful breeze along with it. It is very dry up here and therefore a lot less humidity... meaning I don't sweat like crazy the second I step outside. Above is a picture of my Mama's house.

Amelia loves to play in the sprinkler, but mostly she just loves to run around the sprinkler barely getting wet. Silly girl.

I just love my mom's house. It was built in 1904 and is a huge and beautiful historic home. The porch is probably my favorite part though. It is so nice to sit out there and relax.

So that sums up our day. Tomorrow we are going to mass and then heading out to Couer D'alene and Cabelas. I'm excited!
Ashley Elizabeth

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