December 1st we got keys to the new house we are living in. We knew there needed to be work done to the place before we could move in, but we had no idea that the previous tenants had trashed it. I honestly don't know how people could live in such filth. It took us several weeks, TONS of cleaning, gallons and gallons of paint, ripping out all of the flooring, refinishing hardwoods and ordering all new appliances for it to be livable. We still have a ways to go before it's done, but at least we are able to live here and enjoy the new (larger) space. Our bedroom is the last major project so Mark and I are staying in what will be the nursery. I have to admit my crafty self is dying a little at not being able to decorate Cecilia's room yet. I have so many ideas and can't wait for them all to come together.
Amelia in her new, super pink bedroom |
Christmas didn't feel like Christmas this year. We tried, but considering we moved two days before it just didn't feel like the holidays. I'm pretty sure my anthem was "Where are you Christmas" from The Grinch. We did manage to get a Christmas tree a few days before and I let Amelia take full control on decorating it. I think she did a pretty awesome job. I loved this little tree, even though it was so much smaller than we've ever had before.
Amelia had an Irish dance competition a couple of weeks ago and she did a fantastic job. I'm so proud of her. She placed well in her dances both days and took home a trophy on the last day. I need to find a way to display all of these in her room.
Now, until this baby girl arrives, I will just be spending my days washing baby clothes and trying to organize/clean this chaos that we are living in... and perhaps I'll be able to hop on here more frequently. After all, I'm in need of several breaks throughout the day at this stage.
Great job! My daughter pinned all her ribbons on one wall in her room and has her medals hanging from the curtain rod (yay curtains with tab tops!) Trophies are on a shelf over her bed. But her life is all about dance, so she's good with living in it, too!