Amelia is doing so well in school. Last year she did great, but this year she's just excelling at such a crazy fast pace. If you didn't catch my post "A Girl In Glasses" last year, check it out and you'll see why I'm so excited to see her doing so well, especially in reading. We've known math was her thing since she was three years old, but reading hasn't been her strong point... until recently. I continue to love her school so much and really feel we made the right decision in having her attend there.
Since finding out we were expecting baby number two, Amelia has stepped up to be the most helpful kid I've ever seen. She's always been great about helping out around the house, picking up her things and such, but this girl does so much without being asked. Grocery shopping with her is crazy. She takes the list, finds all of the stuff and puts it in the cart, then puts it all on the belt, loads the bags and puts ALL of the groceries away when we get home. She actually gets mad when I try to help. She checks on me often and refills my water when it's running low. She helps with laundry (which she LOVES) and would seriously scrub every surface in this house if I let her. I'm pretty sure she's got a little OCD in her.
Amelia continues to do Irish Dance and loves it. She's done a few weekend competitions now and has done a few performances. She's looking forward to dancing over the St. Patrick's Day weekend in and around Portland. She's been dancing less than a year and I'm really proud of how well she's doing. She hasn't had any horse back riding lessons lately. The weather here has been crummy and our schedule has been so busy. I'm hoping she can pick them back up regularly in early spring. She's still so obsessed with horses and she lights up when she gets to go riding.
We continue to struggle with getting this girl to eat. I swear she'd starve if we let her. For a while she was dealing with chronic stomach pain and it worried us like crazy, but it seems to have eased up lately, although I'm not sure what has changed to make it better. I think Mark and I both tend to stress about her eating, but according to her doctor she's really healthy. Super skinny, but really healthy. Last night was the first meal we've been able to have as a family in our house. I had Amelia help me make dinner and I let her dish herself up all on her own. She ended up trying something new (and way out of her comfort zone) and she didn't complain! I think we're moving in the right direction, although I'm pretty sure she won't be budging on the born vegetarian thing anytime soon.
I'm anxious to see how Amelia adjusts when we become a family of four. She's been the only one for seven years, but she's also really excited to be a big sister. I'm looking forward to seeing her in her new role. She already lists off all of the things she plans to do to help me (wash the cloth diapers, give her a bottle when I pump, help get her dressed, make her new hair bows...). Cecilia is one lucky little girl to have Amelia as a big sister.
What a sweet helper!! She's at such a fun age and will be the best big sister :)