My Thankful Thirty - November 12, 2012

November 12th:
Today I am thankful for water. I know it might seem a little silly to be thankful for water, but I have a major obsession with it. A few years ago I found myself drinking way too many sugary drinks, primarily Mt. Dew and Amp, so I stopped with it all cold turkey :) and switched to only drinking water. I now drink about a gallon or more per day; I get to the point where I crave it. I am so glad I made the change to water only, and it makes me feel so good. I can always tell when I haven't been drinking my water, usually on the weekends, when I start to get lethargic. So today... I am so thankful for my addiction to water! It is a good love affair to have!

This is the jug of water I had every day when I was still working. Now that I'm home I still drink this much and a few more glasses of water each day. 

Ashley Elizabeth

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