I started asking Amelia a set of questions every year on her birthday at age 3 and on. Let me just say... this might be the best idea I've ever had! I love looking back at her answers from previous years. On her fifth birthday I decided to video her. Being able to compare year to year is going to be wonderful. I already can't believe how much more grown up she is in her 6yr video vs. her 5 yr. I keep every year's answers and a couple of photos from her birthday that year in a scrapbook. I can't wait to give it to her when she's older. I also make her write her name at the bottom of the survey. It will be fun to see how her handwriting changes as she grows up. If you haven't seen my post with the interview questions, click HERE.
and on to the videos...
She thought her pirate squint was oh so funny. Some people asked if she was squinting because she needed glasses... nope, even though she probably did need glasses the squint was more for hilarity.
She had a bit of a cold this year. My favorite part is when I ask who she is going to marry. The reaction is priceless.
This is precious!! She seems so little in her 5 year old video! It's amazing how much growing up she's done this year. I love the Rudy photo bomb and how she's got lots of favorites this year :) I'm going to have to remember this idea for Olive's birthday because I love it!!
This is precious!! She seems so little in her 5 year old video! It's amazing how much growing up she's done this year. I love the Rudy photo bomb and how she's got lots of favorites this year :) I'm going to have to remember this idea for Olive's birthday because I love it!!