I really wish I had something exciting to share with you on this week's recap, but we spent a lot of time coughing, blowing noses and sleeping... well, trying to sleep. Our landlord let us know this past weekend that she is selling the house we currently rent. We aren't interested in buying it so we have just under 2 months to move. I immediately went into stress overload. We have a two week vacation coming up right in the middle of our final time here at this house. Thankfully we have a plan and will be moving the week after we get back from the east coast. This will be a big transition since I will no longer be doing daycare. Even though I will miss all of those little kids like crazy, I am beyond excited to have open days to spend going on adventures and making memories with Amelia. I also can't wait for our trip!!! Excited doesn't even begin to describe it. While I'm mentioning our trip, I talked my older sister into taking over the blog while I'm gone. She's great and I can't wait to read what she has to say. Heck, she'll probably gain a lot more followers than I. Now a big high five for Friday...
2. I love the drawings that Amelia does. The cat's tail is awesome!
3. Amelia at the doctor's office. She has a sinus infection so they put her on antibiotics.
4. Our handsome man
5. I decided to try making a maxi skirt for Amelia. I winged it on the measurements and it turned out just as I had hoped. I love it and can't wait to make her some more. This might have to be a new item that I stock on my Etsy shop.
Saturday morning Amelia has ballet. We are going to dinner at my sister's house that evening to celebrate my birthday since we are on the mend and my mom is in town. Amelia and I will probably spend Sunday with my Grandma and mom. The two most wonderful mom's in the world... and the best role models a girl could ask for when it comes to parenting.
And something new this week... the Finish This link up.
I feel an adrenaline rush when... it's extremely late at night and I am extremely tired. I get this burst of energy and go all crazy on the house cleaning.
I feel organized when... I make lists and keep my planner updated
I feel small when... I'm at a party or barbecue when I don't know all of the people. I used to talk it up with anyone and that has changed as I've gotten older. I don't know why, but I'm not nearly as outgoing as I used to be.
I feel big when... I look at where I am in life. I mean, come on... I'm a wife and mom with tons of responsibilities.
I feel stupid when... I'm singing and bustin' a move in my car... and the person in the car next to me is watching.
I feel smart when... I'm helping Amelia with math. I hate math, but now that we're taking it back to addition I feel like a genius.
Have a great weekend!
Linking up with: XOXORebecca, Casey Leigh, The Arizona Rassums, The Lauren Elizabeth, The Diary of a Real Housewife, Style Elixir, InstaFriday, Meet at the Barre

Hi Ashley, thanks for joining the "Finish This" link up! I totally feel you on the math question ... math is NOT my strongest subject and I really, really, REALLY hope my son Kamden got his daddy's brains and smarts in science and math. I've got language arts and social studies covered, as I used to teach that in middle school. But math is not for me. HA! Hope you'll join us again next week for another fun round of shenanigans. xo, Nicole (co-host)
ReplyDeleteI hope your little sweetie is feeling much better soon! Wishing you all the best with your upcoming move. That maxi skirt is so cute! Nicely done ;)
ReplyDeleteThat skirt is super cute!! I wish I knew how to sew, one day I am going to learn! Hope she gets over her sinus infection quickly!
ReplyDeletewhat a sweet girl! Love your maxi skirt! Can you make one in my size? Thanks so much for linking up!!