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I've been bad about taking pictures |
How far along: 16 weeks today
Current size: avocado (4-5in, 3-5oz)
Due Date: February 7, 2016
Symptoms: I still have morning sickness. I thought it was leaving me when I had a two day break, but it came back. I don't care though. I'm pregnant and baby is doing well so that's all that matters.
Gender: our ultrasound is scheduled for September 24th. I can't wait.
Gender predictions: We did the baking soda pee test. It says boy. Mark and Amelia think we are having a boy, but I still have no feeling one way or another.
What are you hoping for: A healthy baby. I have reasons for wanting a boy and reasons for wanting a girl.
Names: we have them picked out and have told family, but are going to share them when we announce the gender.
Movement: I've been getting stronger movements. There were a few days when I didn't feel anything, but one night I felt a little flutter toward my right side. I assumed it wasn't the baby since I hadn't felt anything for a while, but then I rolled over to that side and got a strong little kick. I can't wait for movement to be more regular and strong enough for Amelia and Mark to feel.
Clothes: leggings and maternity tops.
Sleep: I can't seem to sleep much lately. I eventually doze off between 1&2am, but I am awake at 5:30-6. I'm exhausted but my mind goes crazy and I can't turn it off. Hopefully once school starts I will be able to get myself on a better schedule.
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings- tomato soup and anything dipped in ketchup. Aversions- nothing specifically. I don't think I can eat skinny pop anymore though, both times I had it recently I got sick. Thankfully I am able to eat much healthier than in the first trimester when all I could keep down was carbs. Right this second I could go for a raspberry popsicle or something along those lines.
What are you doing to prepare: I have been researching cloth diapers non-stop and think I have decided what we are going to buy. I've picked out a diaper bag and stroller and am just waiting until after our ultrasound to start buying stuff. Amelia and I went shopping last weekend and we had to browse all of the baby stuff. She thought the baby needed so many cute things and she picked out so many more "must have" items than I did. She's so excited. I did buy some fabric and will start slowly picking away at sewing for the little one. I think I will be able to get a lot more done once school starts. Right now I just want to focus my time on Amelia.
Mood: I think I've been pleasant. I haven't had any meltdowns and Mark doesn't seem to be avoiding me for fear I'll bite his head off.
Looking forward to: Hearing baby's heartbeat on Wednesday at my 16 week check-up. I'm also SOOOOOO EXCITED for our anatomy scan. I want to see that baby is healthy and doing well... and find out what we are having. I'm dying to start shopping and sewing. I have a boy and girl nursery theme picked out and either one will be amazing!!!
Glad things are going well. Hope your morning sickness goes away soon and I'm excited to find out the gender and name in September!!